citizen journalists and physicians exposing fraud, censorship, and general malfeasance & ill intent in public sector & government

Here is an incomplete list of journalists/content creators who have been doing a great job during COVID1984. They have either been doing great work exposing the lack of scientific evidence for masks, lockdowns, and covid itself. Some have also been doing a great job exposing the rise of authoritarianism in response to COVID.
Of course, being listed here is not an endorsement of all their views.

– Ryan Cristian of The Last American Vagabond
– Whitney Webb of TLAV and Unlimited Hangout
– Ben Swann of Truth In Media and Ise
– James Corbett of The Corbett Report
– Spiro Skouras
– Allison McDowell of Wrench in the Gears
– Del Bigtree of The Highwire
– Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
– Robert F. Kennedy
– Josh Sigurdson of World Alternative Media
– Dan Dicks of Press For Truth
– Grace of ReallyGraceful
– Truthstream Media
– BlackPilled
– Dark Journalist
– Christian of IceAgeFarmer
– Jeffrey Tucker
– UK Column
– Off Guardian
– The Grayzone
– Consortium News
– MintPress News
– Activist Post
– Blacklisted News
– Doug McKenty of The Shift
– Jon Rappoport
– Joseph Patrick Farrell
– Cathetine Austin Fitts
– Judy Mikovits
– Dr. Rashid Buttar
– Dr. David Martin
– Dr. Andrew Kaufman
– Dr. Thomas Cowan
– David Icke
– Amazing Polly
– Dolores Cahill
– Dr Heiko Schöning
– Attorney Reiner Fuellmich
-The New American

▪︎Dr. Annie Bukacek
▪︎Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai
▪︎Dr. James Hidrith
▪︎Dr. Bruce Lipton
▪︎Dr. Robert Young
▪︎Dr. Judy Mikovits
▪︎Prof. Dolores Cahill
▪︎Dr. Ericson
▪︎Dr. Ivette Lozano
▪︎Professor Knut Wittkowski
▪︎Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
▪︎Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi
▪︎Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg
▪︎Dr. Joel Kettner
▪︎Dr. John Loannidis
▪︎Dr. Yoram
▪︎Dr Pietro Vernazza
▪︎Frank Ulrich Mongomery
▪︎Prof. Hendrik Streeck
▪︎Dr. Yanis Roussel
▪︎Dr. David Katz
▪︎Dr. Michael Osterholm
▪︎Dr. Peter Goetzsche
▪︎Dr. Sunetra Gupta
▪︎Dr. Karin Molling
▪︎Dr. Anders Tegnell
▪︎Dr. Pablo Goldscmidt
▪︎Dr. Eran Bendavid
▪︎Dr. Jay Bhattacharya
▪︎Dr. Tom Jefferson
▪︎Dr. Michael Levitt
▪︎Dr. Richard Schabas
▪︎Kate Shemirani
▪︎Julian Rose
▪︎Barbara ONeil
▪︎Prof. Yavid Finkelstein
▪︎Dr. Murcato Ravindrefed
▪︎Prof. Graham Axlerod
▪︎Prof. Jennifer Hintze
▪︎Dr. Andreas Grundhaven
▪︎Dr. Merton Yipple
▪︎Prof. Swami Bhakhavavadvad
▪︎Dr. Barton Berstaffler
▪︎Prof. Qiong Hong-Lamin
°U.S. Senator Dr.Scott Jensen
°Dr. Stella Immanuel
°Dr Christiane Northrup
°Mark Devlin
°Dr. Vernon Coleman
°Dr. Muhammad Igbal Adil
°Dr.Kelly Victory
°Francis Abraham
°Dr. Fidel Fernandez
°Edwin A. Burn
°Homer Lim
°Dr.Edwin BienDr Brodo Schiffmann

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